All about the Users list
Salomé Cousseau avatar
Written by Salomé Cousseau
Updated over a week ago

Curious about our user list? Here's all the information you'll need.

Explanation of the Users list :

  1. The total number of users is calculated from the start of the workspace's creation and scoped to it (and not to the organisation).

  2. MAUs are calculated from 00:00 of the same day (this is not a rolling 24-hour calculation).

  3. MAUs are calculated from the 1st of the month (this is not a sliding month calculation)

  4. A user segment can be saved. What you need to know when saving a segment :

    - Filter users as configured in [6] Filter users

    - Each of these users is then assigned the group selected in the popup.

    - If the group does not exist, it is created on the fly.

    - Groups are static (≠ dynamic), so if a new user meets the filter criteria at a later date, it will not be assigned at that point; you will have to redo the segment save operation to assign these new users.

  5. The search allows you to filter users based on all their data converted into text, so you can search by :

    -Last name, first name and any user property (email address, date of birth, whatever...)

    -User ID (in the form of a UUID 528cd27d-010a-4593-aa6e-f0d64e3422a1)

  6. Many different filters, including :

    1. Filter by date of first/last activity recorded

    2. By user ID

    3. By user segment

    4. By users properties

    5. By user events

    Each filter added is equivalent to adding an "AND" to the condition for displaying users in the list, unless you change the "Match ALL" to "ONE OF", in which case it's an "OR".

  7. Anonymous users can be hidden. A user is identified if he meets at least one of the following criteria:

    - It is assigned an ID (see the init command or the identity command in the developer doc.

    - It is assigned one of the following properties (see the identity or command documentation):







  8. Segment filter :

    - several can be selected

    - select several segments acts as an "OR" condition

9. First seen :

- equivalent to the first time this user was tracked

- ☝️ Tip: by hovering over the text, the tooltip shows the exact date/time instead of the relative date/time.

10. Last seen :

- equals the last time this user was tracked

- ☝️ Tip: by hovering over the text, the tooltip shows the exact date/time instead of the relative date/time.

11.When a user is anonymous, this tag appears (see point 8.)

12. The name displayed for the user takes priority over the properties found for the user and, failing that, its ID. The order of priority for properties is as follows:

first_name + last_name

firstname + lastname





*and if none of these properties, the user ID (UUID 528cd27d-010a-4593-aa6e-f0d64e3422a1) is displayed*.

13. The user's avatar is defined :

by the `avatar` property

if this property is not defined, we use the user ID (UUID 528cd27d-010a-4593-aa6e-f0d64e3422a1) as a basis for choosing an animal avatar at random

14. Analytics button: Clicking anywhere in the application takes you to the details of a user (just like clicking on the whole line).

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