Users Profiles

A quick article to give you all the informations about users profiles

Salomé Cousseau avatar
Written by Salomé Cousseau
Updated over a week ago

What is User Profile ?

User profiles is a feature of our Analytics section. It allows you to quickly and easily view all the users of your web/mobile app. You'll be able to find all the information you need about your users, for example User Properties like : first name, lastname, etc. and also some quantitative insights about their activity like Daily active Users, Monthly active users :

You can filter your users with different criteria :

For each users you will have access to their profile and all their interaction :

Explanation of the Users Profile :

When you choose a user, you will be able to access quickly to those informations : which segments the user belongs to, surveys sent to the user with questions and answers, the user's last activity, a timeline of surveys submitted to the user...

An analysis of emotions based on the user's responses, events and properties of the user..

💡 Tip

Need more technical help? Tracking your users properties and events with Screeb is pretty simple.

👉 You'll find detailed explanations in our Developer Documentation on Github.

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