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Screeb x Zapier

How to integrate Screeb to Zapier and to more than 3,000 other software.

Updated over 11 months ago

You want to integrate Screeb to Zapier and you would like to know how to do it? Well, the good news is that you are on the right article! Here's how you can connect Screeb to Zapier!

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an automation tool that let you connect software. An automation β€” called a Zap β€” is basically a way to say that if an event happens in an application A, then do an action in application B.

And you can even act on the data from A before sending it to B, to format it, filter it or augment it.

How to connect Screeb to Zapier

For now, Screeb is able to push data to Zapier, but not the other way around.

We don't have a native Zapier integration yet, so you have to use the Webhook capacities of Zapier. Here's how to do it:

Create a new Zap, and in the Trigger section, search for Webhook

Now, in the Trigger Event setting, choose "Catch Hook"

Clic on Continue.

In the next step, Zapier will give you the Webhook URL you'll need to connect Screeb to Zapier.

Copy it, and go to Screeb.

Go in the survey you want to connect, and go in the Edit section.

Now click on the question you want to collect data from. It will open a sidebar on the right of the screen.

Here, you see a Webhook section, at the bottom of the sidebar.

The only thing you need to do here is to paste the webhook URL given by Zapier. Then click on the green OK button to save it, and then the green Save button on the top-right corner of your Screen.

You can go back to Zapier, and click on Continue.

Zapier will ask you to test the connection by clicking on the Test Trigger blue button. Click on it, and then click on "Skip Test" (as we don't send test data yet to Webhooks) and then on Continue.

The connection between Screeb and Zapier is done! πŸŽ‰

Now, in the second step of your Zap, you can select the app where you want to send the data. You can also decide to use one of the filtering or formatting feature of Zapier if you want to act on the Screeb data before sending it somewhere else.

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